Hi! My name is Natasha Yaka

I am a developer in training and totally sold out for Jesus! A single mum and have anchored myself in Christ as a firm Christian believer. I am sure you would agree with me that you have been let down by people more often than you may have anticipated, that is because we have all been empowered to make choices. You cannot rely on other human beings and expect not to be let down, neither can you rely on systems cause as you may have realised, systems tend to change too. In this journey of life, we need a foundation that is not wavering, that is consistent, and unchangeable. I found that in God, His word is the same today, yesterday, and will remains the same for eternitiy. We live in uncertain times where things you never imagined are now happening. Personally, I needed some sanity and hope, as I looked around me it has been lies, deceit, hate, abuse, just to name a few. I needed peace and this world was not offering that to me, I needed stability, and the world was not offering that either, I needed to experience true unconditional love and guess what?! the world was not offering that either. In God I found and experienced all this and more, miracles still happen, and you can experience them if only you look unto the master of miracles. My journey is still in the making and I chose to trust God through it all.

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